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Coupling the different energy sectors − options for the next phase of the energy transition

August 2018

Position Paper (PDF)

Summary of the Position Paper (PDF)

The development of German greenhouse gas emissions in recent years stands in contrast to the declared goal of continuous reduction – even though the share of renewable energy in the power supply has continually risen. This is only one of several observations the working group “Coupling the Energy Sectors” initially made. The Academies’ Project has now come to the conclusion that the targets for climate protection can only be achieved when the energy system is taken into consideration holistically and optimised across all sectors, and when society consciously confronts this task.

acatech/Leopoldina/Akademienunion: Coupling the different energy sectors − options for the next phase of the energy transition (Series on Science-Based Policy Advice), 2018. ISBN: 978-3-8047-3673-3.


Dr. Annette Schaefgen
Leiterin Berliner Büro
Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

030 / 325 98 73 70