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Guideline on Diversity and Equal Opportunity



For the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities (henceforth “Union”) and its eight member academies, respect, appreciation, and commitment to diversity and equal opportunities form the basis of scientific cooperation. This applies to the committees, the governance of the academies’ management staff as well as to all processes within the “Academies’ Programme” as overseen by the Union. The Union is convinced: research that aims to impact society will benefit from supporting researchers with diverse backgrounds and life-styles. Integrating many different capabilities is therefore an essential trademark of the “Academies’ Programme”. Diversity of experience and perspective is crucial for the success of research and its transfer into society.


Equal Opportunities and Diversity of Perspectives

Promoting diversity is an executive strategy as diversity is one of the goals of the Union informing the design and implementation of the “Academies’ Programme”.

The “Academies’ Programme” is designed to make accessible, safeguard and explore cultural traditions in a global context. For this purpose, a culturally sensitive and ethically guided implementation of the research is indispensable. In all research contexts, it is an essential and immediate principle to consider, on a potentially equal footing, manifold scientific, political and cultural perspectives and discourses in a global context. The Union regards diversity as a resource and opportunity for excellent research in humanities and social sciences and utilises the appropriate measures to achieve this in terms of its internal structures and personnel.

The Union therefore promotes equal opportunities for academics in the “Academies' Programme”, irrespective of their ethnic origin or migration history, sex or gender identity,  sexual orientation, age, health or disability, religion and mindset, and social background. The Union also ensures transparent processes by regularly publishing its goals for gender equality.

By designing its working conditions and processes in a diversity-sensitive manner, the Union enables the realisation of individual ways of life. It promotes the compatibility of a work and life and enables its employees to take on care work.

The Union takes equal opportunities and diversity into account in its organisational development and supports its employees and executives in developing competences with regard to diversity and inclusion.

The Union takes responsibility for its employees and strives to prevent any form of violence (sexual, emotional, physical), discrimination, or abuse of power and bullying in the workplace. Each member academy has appointed persons to address the concerns of employees affected, and to promote awareness of equality issues.

Diversity is a very complex issue. Therefore, a site-specific and needs-based selection of diversity measures is useful and necessary. Each member academy sets priorities based on its own individual profile, presents these in its diversity strategy, and implements the appropriate measures. In this process, the member academies and the management of the Union will support and regularly inform each other.

Guideline on Diversity and Equal Opportunity (PDF)

The Union and the eight member academies have signed or are planning to sign the Diversity Charter (“Charta der Vielfalt”).



The Union of Academies takes measures to implement this guideline, in particular for the design and implementation of the “Academies’ Programme”, which is coordinated by the Union. The guideline is to be taken into account in the call for proposals for the “Academies’ Programme” and in the approval of funding applications. The Union and its member academies are committed to the application of this guideline in the implementation of the research projects funded by the “Academies' Programme”.

As of May 26, 2023


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