Zwei ESYS Publikationen ins Englische übersetzt
Seit heute liegen zwei Publikationen des Akademienprojekts ESYS (Energiesysteme der Zukunft) auch auf Englisch vor. In diesen werden zwei verschiedene Aspekte aus dem Energiesektor beleuchtet: Wie wird Deutschland klimaneutral? und Kohlenstoffmanagement integriert denken: Anforderungen an eine Gesamtstrategie aus CCS, CCU und CDR.
Towards a Climate-neutral Germany. Policy Options for the Technological Transition, Reducing Consumption and Carbon Management
Achieving our climate targets will require a major technological transition. Based on existing studies and their own simulations, ESYS experts conducted an in-depth analysis of the requirements and possible pathways to climate neutrality in Germany. They identified 22 policy options that can facilitate that extensive transformation. Their findings are detailed in the position paper “Towards a Climate-neutral Germany”.
The experts focused on the following areas:
- the importance of reducing consumption to meet climate targets,
- the role of accelerated technology rollout in achieving these targets,
- the requirements for achieving a climate-neutral energy supply in Germany before 2045,
- the measures needed for climate-neutral industrial production and sustainable consumption, and
the role of carbon management in achieving climate neutrality.
An Integrated Approach to Carbon Management: Requirements of an Overall Strategy Combining CCS, CCU and CDR
The topic is further explored in the ESYS discussion paper “An Integrated Approach to Carbon Management: Requirements of an Overall Strategy Comprising CCS, CCU and CDR”. In this paper, the ESYS experts outline the role and limitations of carbon management, based on the key points of Germany‘s Carbon Management Strategy and Long-term Strategy on Negative Emissions.
The experts not only focus on climate neutrality, but also address how we can achieve net-negative emissions in the long term. To do this, they explore the three pillars of carbon management: Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS), Carbon Capture & Utilization (CCU) and Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR).
ESYS ist ein gemeinsames Projekt der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina, acatech – Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften und der Akademienunion.
Dr. Annette Schaefgen
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