Grundlagen, Normen und Kriterien der ethischen Urteilsbildung in den Biowissenschaften - Referenzzentrum
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With the project “Grundlagen, Normen und Kriterien der ethischen Urteilsbildung in den Biowissenschaften – Referenzzentrum” the German Reference Centre for Ethics in the Life Sciences (DRZE) creates the scientific basis for a qualified bioethical discussion in a German, European, and International framework. For this purpose, the relevant interdisciplinary information, the social issues that have to be taken into account, and the normative basis of a qualified judgement are acquired scientifically and systematically and discussed and made accessible via conferences and symposia. The public research library and documentation of the DRZE gathers and indexes continuously relevant monographs and international monographs, compilations, dictionaries, journals, newspaper articles, legal texts, and grey literature in the fields of bioethics and scientific ethics. The catalogue is available for online research by means of the literature database BELIT.

Grundlagen, Normen und Kriterien der ethischen Urteilsbildung in den Biowissenschaften - Referenzzentrum
Host Academy
North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts
Location and federal state
Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia
Editions: Philosophy, History of Science, Linguistics and Literary Studies
Project number
Established in 1999, the DRZE is a central institution of the University of Bonn. Soon after the foundation, the DRZE applied for multiple short- and long-term projects from the Federal and European programmes. The DRZE has applied for the inclusion of the project “Grundlagen, Normen und Kriterien der ethischen Urteilsbildung in den Biowissenschaften - Referenzzentrum” into the Academies' Programme after the end of the funding by the BMWF. On the 1st January 2004, it was incorporated as a research project of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy into the research programme of the Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities, funded by the government and federal state.
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