Working Group on eHumanities
An inter-academic initiative of the eight academies and Leopoldina
The "eHumanities" working group is an inter-academic initiative of the eight member academies represented in the Union of Academies and Leopoldina – National Academy of Sciences. In 2016, it was merged into a working group from the two predecessor working groups – the “Electronic Publishing” working group and the “Digital Research” working group.
The members of the working group include academy members, research managers, speakers for digital publications and experts from the IT and Digital Humanities departments of the academies.
Topics of the „eHumanities“ working group
The topics of the "eHumanities" working group include:
- (New) Technologies in the Digital Humanities
- Electronic publication and open access
- Data formats and standards
- Long-term provision and archiving
- Legal questions, especially in connection to publishing contracts
Tasks and Goals
Tasks and Goals of the Working Group:
- Mutual exchange of information concerning performance requirements and approaches to solutions
- Discussion concerning the use of common data formats, standards and/or tools
- The use of norm data, thesauruses and taxonomies
- Common development of interfaces
- Agreement on cross-project think tanks and portals
- Phrasing of common positions on specific technical questions
- Improvement of the visibility and accessibility of research conducted by the academies and its results
- Development of recommendations as a guide and support
The "eHumanities" working group organises an annual two-day workshop taking place at one of the member academies of the Union of Academies to bring the project staff up to date on a topic of electronic publishing. In addition, there are working meetings on individual technical and methodological questions, in which the respective practices are to be coordinated and concrete technical solutions are to be promoted.
Members of the Working Group
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Alexander Czmiel
Frederike Neuber
Ralf Wolz
Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Lauer
Dr. Jörg Wettlaufer
Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Dr. Eckhard Arnold
Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig
Michael Hübner
Uwe Kretschmer
Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Andreas Dafferner
Dr. Dieta Svoboda-Baas
Academy of Sciences and Literature | Mainz
Prof. Dr. Kurt Gärtner
Prof. Dr. Manfred Pinkal
Prof. Torsten Schrade
Dr. Andreas Kuczera (Stellvertreter)
North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts
Prof. Dr. Andreas Speer (Vorsitzender der Arbeitsgruppe)
Dr. Claes Neuefeind
Jonathan Blumtritt
Tessa Gengnagel
Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg
Timm Lehmberg
German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
Lisa Eggert
Scientific Commission:
Prof. Dr. Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum
Sebastian Zwies
Head of Coordination
Academies Programme
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