Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Lower Saxony
founded in 1751
The brothers Grimm as well as Alexander and Wilhelm von Humboldt were famous members.
„Fecundat et ornat – it fertilises and adorns“. In accordance with this motif, the Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Göttingen was founded by the Sovereign King George II., August of Great Britain, Elector of Hannover, in 1751. As one of the oldest continually operating institutions of its kind in Germany, the Göttingen Academy is able to look back at a long tradition with renowned members, such as the brothers Grimm, Alexander and Wilhelm von Humboldt, Carl Friedrich Gauß and Werner Heisenberg.
Today, the Academy in Göttingen runs 25 long-term projects of national and international fame and is the most prominent non-university institution in Lower Saxony in the field of fundamental research in the humanities. Its research findings are published in both analogue and digital formats. Together with its cooperative partners, the academy develops new possibilities for the presentation and sustainable provision of research data. The academy also conducts research in commissions, whose members organise colloquies, the lectures of which are later published.
With about 400 ordinary and corresponding members, the Göttingen Academy has access to a unique network of expertise in the region and worldwide. In the lecture series, the “Academies Week”, and in lecture evenings organised in the state parliament of Lower Saxony it regularly addresses the public. Furthermore, the Academy promotes prominent scientific accomplishments by awarding prices, especially to young scientists at the beginning of their careers.
Executive Committee
Prof. Dr. Bertram Brenig
Vice President and Secretary of the Section Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Veterinary medicine
Prof. Dr. Frank Rexroth
Vorsitzender der geisteswissenschaftlichen Klasse